Are you ready for a spine-tingling experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat? Get ready to face your deepest fears as "The Doll: Creation," a horror film of epic proportions, is set to be released on July 26, 2023. This nerve-wracking film, brought to you by an acclaimed production company, promises to deliver an intense roller-coaster...

Before it's release, The Doll: Creation was scheduled to be released on July 11, 2023 in the United States, much earlier than the origin country's release date. It is also announced that the film has been rated by the MPA, and given an R rating for horror violence and terror.

Even though the film hasn't been release yet, Walton Bros. announced a new horror film sequel to “The Doll: Creation". It also stars the same actors to reprise their roles. “The concept and script is still in development" Rein said. Rein Alpajora was hired on June 5, 2023 to direct the film and play the role of Timothy Elijah Cooper,...

He also stated that some bloody and gory scenes were meant to have something blocked on it's way because of TikTok's Community Guidelines, as well all know that Scream film franchise.

The film received an R-13 rating from the MTRCB for it's mature themes and content of demonic possession, and non-graphic violence. It also received an R rating from the MPA for horror violence and terror.

It stars Rein Alpajora , and Empeds Casul. the development of the film started in 2022, prinicipal photography commenced October 12, 2022. on April of 2023, The Doll: Creation was labeled as the film is in post-production stage. waiting for it's release. Walton Bros. Pictures released a trailer a week ago. it has the rating cards and logo of their...

Some scenes of Rascal's violent experience was blurred due to animal violence. although it's obviously dramatized, Walton Bros. also said that they weren't sure when the series will be released on VOD platforms. “We are planning on combining 2 episodes in one and dubbing the whole series for a wide audience reach" said by the Representative.

on May 25, 2023, Rein stated that he has a film in-development which will be released this 2024. Rein Alpajora and Empeds Casul will be the head writers and producers of the film, “It's inspired by the Annabelle film franchise, kasi I'm also a fan of Annabelle movies" Rein stated, he also added that it'll be a little gory because...

“The ending is so violent and tragic" said Rein Alpajora, he also stated that what will happen to Brianna is so tragic, “It's like karma, kasi kung ano yung ginawa mo, babalik din yan sa'yo" he said.

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